Very evocative
This song really brings out emotion. I can feel your emotion from this piece. Your use of dynamics just brings out the best of this track.
You were not repetitive at all, you kept your flow while just unleashing your anxieties and pains. From the sustain pedal to the chord progressions, I can really feel you on this one. You just did a wonderful job on evoking mood and tone.
I had absolutely no problems with this piece, especially because it's live. Even to me, I believe that the errors are all part of the process---part of the emotion.
To sum it up, this song is a prime example of a poem, but instead of words, notes and mechanics tell the whole story.
As a last note, I suggest you release a mastered version of this song. This song is great live, and I think it deserves a mastered version as well.
10/10, 5/5, fav, DL
Keep on being fucked up, it makes you work wonders...=P
- DJ Chilvan
)~ Review Request Club ~(