Nice attempt
I must say, this is a pretty nice attempt. I see that you purposely had an offbeat kick, well, just as a criticism, it gets kinda annoying. I think this song will sound better without it. And I know this is your first song, hence the short length, but I wouldn't mind seeing more length. This song has great potential. It's helluva lot better than my first song lol.
And as for the grid, I think you're differentiating between the upper and lower grid. Well, let me tell you something, I also noticed that everyone uses the lower grid for their patterns. I use the upper grid for everything except for my beat and some automations. So using the upper grid or lower grid, your song will still sound the same. Its all about preference. I like to see what my sound clips and MIDI data look like, hence I have them on top. Once I have a perfect automation down, I don't need to look at it, so I keep it on the bottom. And the beat is like the "skeleton" of the song, and it's mainly used as a reference point, so I just keep that on the bottom too. So in the end, it's all preference, there's no right or wrong way. But according to Image-Line, the upper grid is more preferrable.
Nice Job, and Good Luck!
- Isomatic